Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Essay about teachers

A teacher is that person who accompany us in a large period of our life. I have been going to school since I was three every day and it has doing I have been educated by teachers not only in a knowledge way but also in a way of learning values and behaviors (as many as subject I have had). Over the years, I have had different types of teacher that I classify in three: the serious one, the funny one and the good one.
The serious one is that teacher who is very misterious because you never see him laughing or talking about something that there is not  about his subject. In addition, he does boring lectures what does difficult to pay attention . However, he is a strict person  what actually does you are a constant person doing homework and it helps you to pass the exams in a easier way. From this type of teacher I have learnt to working daily and to take studies seriously but not to enjoy the knowledge.
The funny one is that teacher who is always laughing and joking and who everybody knows about because the first day tell you all about his life. He is always doing activities with do not have to do with the subject  or simply talking about how the life goes.But finally, the exam has to do with the subject and everything is a mess because nobody knows what to study or what to do. From these teachers I have learnt nothing about their subjects but I have learnt to take the life with humor and that I have to study daily in spite of a subject doesn't seem serious.
The good one is that teacher who really loves his subject and does you love it too. This sort of teacher the first day tell you that he is there to help you and he demonstrates that it was true during the school year. Furthermore, he does nice lectures and he jokes and he is serious when he has to. From these, I have learnt to enjoy the learning, to want to know more and more every day and to be a good student. 
Teachers are who do the way you learn because they influence your personality and they are who show you the world from their point of view. Everybody has different types of teacher in his life but everybody must  know to keep the good things of each one.

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