Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Start telling the stories that only you can tell, because there'll always be better writers than you and there'll always be smarter writers than you.There will always be people who are much better at doing this or doing that- but you are the only you.- Neil Gaiman

Ana María Matute (one of the best Spanish writter) said: "Writing is always protest, even oneself" 
 To write you have to have a story to tell, it can be your own story or a fictional story but whatever you write borns to you. 
You are the only responsible of your own words : the order, the intention, the finality,... It doesn't matter if you write to fun, yo unburden, as a job,... It only matters you tell what you want tell, and it will be unique because it will have your essence.
 Who is better than you to tell your story? Even a same idea can have different points of view. 
So, a good story is that excites you, that makes you think,that  makes you forget everything while you are reading it, that makes you to know more about it and that can connect with the feelings. Being real or ficticional, it's yours.
It's true will always be better writters than you but there'll never be better writters writing what you write, telling your own story.

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